

Were You Affected by the Covid lockdowns?

You Could Receive A Refund Of Up To $26,000 Per Employee

But Time is running out, so don't miss your chance!

Imagine what this extra FOUND money could do for your business! Pay off a loan/debt, buy needed equipment, expand your business or much more!

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The Employee Retention Credit (ERC) was developed to encourage and support employers who retained existing employees throughout 2020 and for the first three quarters of 2021 by offering a payroll tax refund through the IRS.

The ERC is an Economic Stimulus Program designed to bolster those businesses that were able to retain their employees during the pandemic. However, due to the extremely complex tax code and qualifications, it is underutilized. 

This is Your Chance To Claim Your Money!


Congress passed the CARES Act on March 25, 2020

  • 2020: 50% wages, max of $5,000 per employee
  •  2021: 70% wages, max $21,000 per employee
  • Available for 2020 and Q1-Q3 2021
  • ​Fully refundable tax credit against employer portion of Social Security/Medicare
  • ​Paid to client directly via a check
  • Not a Loan and Not Earmarked
  • ​Claim by filing amended 941-X quarterly returns taking the ERC credit on Line 18 & 26

The ERC is Underutilized

Most eligible businesses have not claimed their refund. Why not claim yours? 

  • The IRS management anticipated that approximately 70%-80% of small and medium businesses (as well as tens of thousands of charities) were good candidates for taking the ERC.
  • The reality is — to date the actual numbers of businesses and charities applying for the ERC —is far below that. Small and medium businesses (as well as tax exempts/charities) are leaving billions of dollars on the table.  
  • ​This is not a lending program - tax refunds are issued by the US Treasury. Therefore, all eligible employers will receive the funds.

Let's See If You Qualify.

Your business should qualify for ERC if you experienced any of the following in the qualifying quarters of 2020 and/or 2021:

Get your Application Started Now by ERC Specialists

BrightPoint’s professional team of accountants and support staff are here to make sure your filing for Employee Retention Credit (ERC) is accurate and complete. They guarantee it.

You Get ERC Program Specialists – a team that strictly focuses on the ERC program resulting in more funding for your business.


Audit Support & Protection

Audit Support Included – They provide long-term (5 Year) audit support and carry E&O (errors and omissions) insurance coverage with $1 Million limit per claim.


Maximum Funding

Maximum Funding– They evaluate your claim in every way possible to ensure they legally maximize your credit.


Professional Support

Professional Support – Although our process is quick and painless, when you have questions you get answers from a dedicated team of ERC support specialists.

Why wait? Get your Application Started by ERC Specialists Today!

Still Not Sure?

This is a Risk-Free Qualification Program

BrightPoint only charges a 20% contingency fee of which a $2,000 risk free qualifying deposit is due at signing. 

If for any reason you decide to not move forward (or you don’t qualify for a refund or you change your mind) your $2,000 deposit is immediately refunded – no questions asked.

Your BrightPoint Guarantee and Audit Support

  • Guarantees that their calculators are accurate 
  • Guarantees that their filings with the IRS as paid-preparer are compliant with program rules and regulations
  • Provides long term audit support and carry E&O (Errors and omissions ) insurance coverage 
  • ​Do not guarantee any specific refund amount until they have payroll data

There are 5 ERC Misconceptions

I do not qualify because my business:

  • I did not have a revenue decline.
  • I was more profitable during COVID.
  • I was not impacted by governmental shutdowns.
  • ​I received a PPP Loan.
  • My CPA said I don’t (generally non-specialized).

While these are factors used to determine if you qualify, they do not disqualify you.

Here's The Process

It's Really Quite Simple

  • Once BrightPoint receives the requested documentation, the process of qualifying and calculating the refund begins.
  • The 941-X forms are prepared and the refund request packet is sent to the business for review and signature.
  • The refund request packet is mailed to the IRS via certified mail.
  • ​In 14-20 weeks, the business receives their refund check from the Department of Treasury.
  • ​BrightPoint invoices the business for their 20% contingency fee, less the $2,000 deposit.

Still Have Questions?

Get many of your questions answered below

Do I have to repay the ERC credit?

No. This is not a loan. It's a refundable tax credit. When we file the ERC claim we request a refund check for you.

What period does the program cover?

• The program began on March 13th, 2020 and ends on September 30, 2021, for eligible employers
• We have clients who received refunds only, and others that, in addition to refunds, also continued receiving ERC in every payroll they processed through December 31, 2021, at about 30% of their payroll cost.

Can I have my CPA file the ERC?

Of course. The challenge is the ERC credit is taken on your payroll returns and not through your business income tax returns, which is what most CPA's handle. Because of this most CPAs don't process this credit, unless they process the payroll in house. This is also a big reason why this credit is so underutilized. Since CPA's don't typically handle it and they are the tax experts, it has mostly fallen in a middle ground where
few are able to effectively process the credit.
Interestingly, we receive a large portion of our clients from CPA‘s.

My revenue went up in 2020. Can
I still qualify for the ERC program?

Yes! There are two possible qualifications for 2020:
• revenue reduction
• full or partial shutdown of their business due to “COVID-19"
• Specifically the IRS describes this as "A government authority required partial or full shutdown of your business during 2020 or 2021”
• This includes your operations being limited by commerce, inability to travel or restrictions of “group meetings" Below are several examples of qualifying events:
Example 1: A restaurant must close or limit its on-site dining. Such as having to close down every other table, due to COVID-19 restrictions
Example 2: A business that needs to meet with clients in person and has to cancel meetings due to COVID-19 restrictions
Example 3: A business has to reduce their operating hours because COVID-19 restrictions and cleaning requirements
Example 4:
A business had delayed production timelines caused by supply chain disruptions
Example 5: A business with a planned event has to cancel that event, or restrict the amount of
people who can attend due to COVID-19 restrictions.

Can I qualify for the ERC if I am self employed?

No, if you are the majority owner (over 50%) of your
company then your wages do not qualify.

Can I qualify for the ERC if
I am a 1099 contractor?

Unfortunately, no. This program is only for companies
who paid W2 wages to non-owners.

What if I have bad credit? Is
there a credit check involved?

It doesn’t matter, because this is not a loan – it’s a tax
credit. There are no credit checks, collateral, or
personal guarantees required.

Is the ERC Credit taxable?

• The ERC credit is not considered income for federal
income tax purposes, but you must reduce any
deductible wage expenses by the amount of the credit
• Please provide the ERC information to your CPA for
tax purposes.

How much does BrightPoint charge me for filing the ERC?

• There is no financial risk working with BrightPoint. We charge a contingency fee of 20% on the amount of the funds delivered. We understand the refund check may not arrive for several months (20 weeks minimum according to IRS documentation), so we only ask for a $2,000 deposit for us to get started on your IRS claim.
This deposit is covered by our 100% Money Back

• Once you receive your ERC refund you will pay us the 20% contingency fee less the initial $2,000 deposit you paid upfront.

Can I get ERC Funds if I already took the PPP?

Yes. Under the Consolidated Appropriations Act,
businesses can now qualify for the ERC even if you already received a PPP loan.
Note: the ERC will only apply to wages not used for the PPP.

Does I still qualify if I remained open during the pandemic?

To qualify, the business must meet either one of the following criteria:
1. Experienced a decline in gross receipts by 20%, or
2. Had to change business operations due to government orders
3. Many items are considered as changes in business operations, including shifts in job roles and the purchase of extra protective equipment.

Will the ERC fund run out?

This is not a lending program - tax refunds are issued by the US Treasury. Therefore, all eligible employers will receive the funds.

What if I is get more in ERC
Credit than I paid in taxes?

• Remember that this program is taken according to payroll taxes paid, not on income taxes
• ERC funds not applied towards owed payroll taxes are treated as an 'over deposit' of taxes that will be requested as a refund check from the IRS.

Do the wages of the owner, or the wages of any family member they employ qualify?

Maybe. Wages of owners who have majority ownership, defined as over 50%, do not qualify, nor do the W2 wages of any immediate family members of the owner. In the case an owner has less than 50% ownership, their W2 wages qualify, as do the W2 wages paid to immediate family members.

How long does it take to get the ERC

• Once BrightPoint receives the requested
documentation the process of qualifying and
calculating the refund begins
• The 941-X forms are prepared and the refund
request packet is sent to you for review and
• The refund request packet is submitted to the IRS via
certified mail
• In 14-20 weeks the client receives your refund
check(s) from the Department of Treasury.

I am not sure about this. Is this legit?

That's not unusual. Some people are skeptical. However, Click this link to see that this is a program created by the government.  https://www.irs.gov/newsroom/new-law-extends-covid-tax-credit-for-employers-who-keep-workers-on-payroll

Don't Wait Because This Program Ends Soon. Get your Application Started by ERC Specialists Today!

Here A Few Happy Business Owners That Got Their Refund

You Too Can Have A Great Experience

"I Didn't Worry About Anything"

"I was able to operate my business and not worry about anything...If you have not yet applied for the ERC, I highly recommend it."
Jeff - Co-Founder of Donut Bar in Las Vegas, NV

"It Took The Weight Off My Shoulders"

"It took the weight off my shoulders - a very easy process. We gave the documents they requested; they did all the calculations for us. It was such a relief, we weren't anticipating the result we got - a great result. Very happy with the outcome." 
Ben - CEO of ViewSPORT Inc. in Rochester, NY

"Fabulous Joba & Support"

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